• 23 février 2025
  • Les meilleures tendances du web, chaque jour.
    Trump Trial: Silence of Witnesses with Catch and Kill

    The development of the New York Trump trial continues with Donald Trump’s repeated breach of his gag order, and a testimony of a close associate ; indeed, it was a difficult day for the former president.

    Legal Strategy Leads to Frustrations in Court

    The court endures disappointment as Trump’s attorneys attempt to explain the political motif behind their client’s public criticism of the critical witnesses and the judge. Debating that these actions elude the silence injunction due to their political nature, the prosecution asserts they happened ten times within a week. This could lead to imprisonment, though the prosecutor demands a fine of $1,000 for each infraction to stop this action.

    Testimony from a Key Witness : David Pecker

    Stepping up to the witness stand is David Pecker, editor of the widely circulated National Enquirer and a close associate of Trump. Pecker discusses his regular interactions with Trump initiated after Trump’s 2015 presidential race announcement. Trump and his advisors asked how Pecker, as a media mogul, could support the campaign. He shared that he promised he would publish positive articles about Trump and negative ones against his competitors.

    "Catch and Kill" : Buying Silence on Scandalous Stories

    Pecker went on to discuss the tactic of "Catch and Kill" - buying the rights to an embarrassing story about candidate Trump, and then burying it. These cover-ups were mostly concerning extramarital relations or allegations of illegitimate children. This was demonstrated by payments of $30,000 regarding an illegitimate child and $150,000 to a Playboy model for her silence about their affair during Trump’s campaign.

    Trial Continues with Possible Impact on U.S. Politics

    The allegations against Trump include 34 counts of falsifying corporate documents of Trump Organization, aimed at hiding payments to Stormy Daniels. Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, insists on the legality of such payments, disregarding any conspiracy and associating it with the normal functioning of a ’democracy’. The proceedings are still ongoing and Pecker is set to continue his testimony, casting a growing shadow over U.S. politics.

    Luca Rossi

    Auteur : Luca Rossi

    Luca Rossi est un journaliste d’investigation chevronné, spécialisé dans les faits divers et la justice. Diplômé en droit de l’Université de Bologne, il a débuté sa carrière en tant que juriste avant de se tourner vers le journalisme pour répondre à sa passion pour la recherche de la vérité et la justice sociale.

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    La persévérance n'est pas une longue course ; c'est beaucoup de petites courses l'une après l'autre.
    Walter Elliot